pool pumps last

How Long Do Pool Pumps Last in Florida?

On a hot Florida day, there’s nothing better than jumping in the pool, but no one wants to dive headfirst into a green pool full of algae and bacteria. You don’t have to worry about your beautiful pool turning that ugly green color because it has a pool pump.

Your pool pump works hard to create a flow of water that moves the chemicals that keep your pool clean and clear around. Did you know that your pool pump sends the water in your pool through a fast cycle of filtration, heating, and chlorination (a chemical that kills bacteria) to keep it clean? The pump is kind of like the heart of your pool. It moves the water around and makes sure everything works well.

If they are taken care of, pool pumps can last for a long time. Read on if you have questions about your pool pump or how to take care of it.

How Long Do They Last? 

If they are maintained properly, the majority of pool pumps have a lifespan of anywhere from 8 to 15 years. You are responsible for performing your pump maintenance, which consists of cleaning the pump basket and filter, monitoring the water level, and performing checks once a week. If you follow these steps, your pump will continue to function without any hiccups.

How Much Is A Replacement Or Pool Pump Fix? 

The cost to replace the pump in your swimming pool can range anywhere from $1500 to $4000, with the average cost being around $2500. Consider the kind of pump you have to buy to have a better idea of how much money you might spend on a replacement.

When Is The Best Time To Work My Pool Pump? 

Your swimming pool pump does not have to be turned on continuously; nevertheless, if you do not turn it on frequently enough, you could end up with an algae problem very quickly. It is important to run your pump regularly to keep it operating at peak efficiency for an extended period and to ensure that your pool remains clean. It is recommended that you run your pump while the temperature is at its highest. Why? If you don’t start using it until the evening, the chlorine in your pool will have been subjected to the sun’s rays all day long, which will make it less effective. It is also a good rule of thumb to always have the pump running when people are in the pool to guarantee that the pool is sanitary and continues to be sanitary even after they leave.

How to determine whether or not it’s time to get a new one:

There are three telltale pool signals that it’s time to replace the pump in your home pool, and they are as follows:

  • The pressure gauge on the filter is showing low readings.
  • Constant leaking.
  • Constantly falling behind their peers. If your pump continues to lose suction even after you have eliminated all of the potential causes of the problem, it has most likely reached the end of its useful life and has to be replaced.

If you would like to know more or arrange for a new pool pump get in touch with Pool Services Of Central Florida today.


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